Thursday, May 5, 2022

Signs You Need A New Healthcare Mattress

The need for high quality pressure relieving mattresses is essential in the care environment. However, when is it time to consider a replacement. After a while the effectiveness of your mattress on your residents dwindles and all those relieving qualities disappear. So, here are a selection of things to look out for so that your residents feel comfortable and supported.

Wear and tear

Mattresses should be regularly check for general wear and tear. This could manifest as rips in mattress covers, sagging, odd noises. These are the first signs you should consider a mattress replacement

Do residents wake up tired and sore

If your residents are waking up complaining they are tired or in more pain that they might usually be in. Then they may be onto something. This could be a sign that their mattress may have stopped supporting them. A good night’s sleep is essential and if people are regularly not getting a satisfactory night sleep, then a new mattress could be in order

Increase in allergies

With time mattresses can collect a lot of dust, skin cells and much more. These can all play merry havoc with any allergies of asthma sufferers. If you notice residents particularly suffer with allergies at night then it might be a sign you may need to at the very least clean the mattress, if this continues then it may be too late and a new mattress is in order.

Ps our new Noodles mattress is fully washable and mitigates the build up of dead skin cells and dust.

Have residents’ body’s needs changed

As we get older our bodies can change, this means changes to our sleeping arrangement are necessary. It is better to consider pressure area support as our skin loses its flexibility, if we gain a little extra weight a bariatric mattress may needed as well.

 Looking into firmness and how reinforced mattress can help ascertain whether your joints and spine are fully supported. Therefore, it is handy to revise mattresses offerings for different residents depending on any changes in lifestyle or body.

Iffy smells

We left this until last as it isn’t always the easiest thing to consider. After a time a mattress may start giving off a slight unpleasant smell. This can be because of mold, mildew, body sweat or fungi. It could happen quicker in humid environments. Trust us you will know the smell…

Air mattress issues

A quick note on air mattresses. As they are powered and controlled via a pump it will be fairly obvious if this stops working or isn’t providing the requisite power. Contact your supplier and see what they can do for you.

Old mattresses are the primary cause of bad sleep, which can lead to increased stress levels, to a week immune system. Regularly replacing your care home mattresses will make a significant difference to your resident’s sleep and wellbeing.

Check out our range of foam, air and noodles mattresses here

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